Kineske vazduhoplovne snage


Kineske vazduhoplovne snage

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 1322
  • Gde živiš: u kanalizaciji sa Nindza Kornjacama

Ha,pa ja nisam rekao da bih uzeo J-10B pre Su-30 ili Su-35S.
Samo kazem da je J-10B,odnosno da ce biti konkurentan.I to vrlo.
Pa sad kome se svidja i kome odgovara....

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2257

Jedna jedina stvar koja na J-10A dize cenu je motor AL-31, koji je ruski, i za koji Rusi naplacuju Kinezima i do 6M USD po komadu (cist bezobrazluk, obzirom da taj motor kosta 3-4 miliona).

J-10A ponudjen je Pakistanu po jedinicnoj ceni od oko 28M USD. Sa svom opremom i naoruzanjem cena je trebala biti pomenutih 40M USD.
Medjutim, Pakistan je, obzirom na pozitivno iskustvo sa JF-17, stao sa porudzbinom i trazio unapredjenje J-10 na standard B (tj. dvosedu varijantu FC-20). Taj avio kostace vise, niko jos uvek nezna koliko, ali ne ocekuje se cena veca od 40M USD (flyaway).
Prakticno - sve na FC-20 bice kineskog porekla, ukljucujuci novi motor WS-10A (FWS-10), AESA radar i elektroniku.
Motor WS-10A je kljuc kineskog napretka u vojnoj avijaciji. Od njega sve zavisi i Kinezi su toga svesni. Imali su problema sa izradom monokristalnih lopatica, ali se u poslednje vreme prica da su ih prevazisli. Takodje, nije lako pokrenuti velikoserijsku proizvodnju ovih motora, za to je potrebno 3-4 godine.
JF-17 za Kineze nije interesantan, obzirom da na raspolaganju imaju J-10, koji je kvalitetnija platforma. Zato i ne zure sa motorom WS-13.

Pravu revoluciju na trzistu borbenih aviona mozemo ocekivati za oko 5 godina, kada ce V generacija borbenih aviona zaziveti punim plucima. Tada ce Kinezi biti u "Klubu za odrasle", jer ce osim USA i Rusije jedini imati borbeni avion V generacije.
Dakle, F-22, F-35, PAK-FA i J-XX gospodarice svetskim trzistem borbenih aviona. Evropa ce izgubiti trku, bez obzira na sva moguca unapredjenja Rafala, Typhoona i Gripena. Sta uspeju da prodaju u narednih 5 godina - prodali su...
Pitanje je da li ce nakon V generacije uopste i biti daljeg razvoja borbenih aviona, obzirom na ubrzani razvoj borbenih bespilotnih letelica.

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 1322
  • Gde živiš: u kanalizaciji sa Nindza Kornjacama


To vidis nisam znao to je stvarno cist bezobrazluk.
Za 6M bi mogli da nabavimo,ako bi npr. sklapali kod nas (fantaziram) ili bilo sta slicno,jedan dogovor sa rusima,i onda AL-31FM1 i produzeni zivotni vek,pa onda da se igramo......

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36064
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

A Čavez posle Karakoruma kupuje i kineske Y-8 (An-12)....

The Y-8F400 is the modernised freighter featuring upgraded avionics and a three-man flight crew replacing the original five-man crew. The original 'glass-in' nose was replaced by a solid nose. The cargo compartment of the Y-8F400 is equipped with a 1,000kg payload overhead cargo system, where the cargo can be suspended from an electrically powered rail. Rollers in the floor of the cargo compartment enable quick and easy handling of cargo pallets and can be removed to leave a flat surface if needed. The compartment is fully pressurised.

CARACAS – Venezuela will purchase from China between 10 and 12 medium-range Shaanxi Y-8 transport aircraft, after taking delivery in recent weeks of 18 K-8 training aircraft previously acquired in the Asian country, a senior military official said.

“These Y-8s will provide support for the operations of our C-130 Hercules transport planes...that have a range covering South America and to the north of Spain,” Maj. Gen. Jorge Oropeza said Friday.

He said that negotiations for the purchase of the Y-8s are in the hands of the Defense Ministry and it is hoped that these aircraft will be delivered to Venezuela sometime next year.

The Y-8 is a medium-size, mid-range transport aircraft with a capacity for carrying 88 passengers and 20 tons of cargo during 7.3 hours of autonomous, uninterrupted flight, Oropeza told the state-run ABN news agency.

Oropeza said that the 18 K-8s “will be on view tomorrow at the main ceremony of the 90th anniversary of the (Venezuelan military aviation),” along with the JL11 radars that were also purchased from the Asian giant earlier in 2010.

The defense minister, Gen. Carlos Mata, also told ABN that since President Hugo Chavez came to power in February 1999, Venezuelan military aviation “has made technological progress in terms of the defense of air space, being equipped with new aircraft and the modernization of this branch of the military.”

“Notable among the achievements of this military branch is its technological development and the acquisition of new aircraft and equipment,” he said.

About the cost of recent military purchases, the socialist head of state said at midyear that he had approved the spending of $82 million “to make a partial payment” for the 18 K-8 aircraft.

“This is an aircraft for basic training able to employ armament including light bombs, rockets and machine guns, while fulfilling all the requirements for training pilots,” air force commander Gen. Luis Berroteran said in October 2008.

The Venezuelan government recently purchased from Russia 24 Sukoi fighters, 50 MI helicopters and 100,000 AK-103 rifles, for some $3 billion, according to Russian sources.

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 1322
  • Gde živiš: u kanalizaciji sa Nindza Kornjacama

Zivo me zanima cena.

  • Pridružio: 03 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 1726
  • Gde živiš: Zemun


A odakle je izucen tekst koji si napisao? Ili je deo tvog posta od nekud izvucen jer mi se cini da sam to vec negde procitao.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2257

Ovo sto sam napisao o J-10 i Kinezima nije ni iz jednog teksta.

Moguce je da si negde procitao slicnu informaciju vezanu za J-10 ili kineske proizvodjace motora, u poslednje vreme sve je vise tekstova o Kinezima.

Da dopunim:
Na AirPowerAustralia mozete procitati tekst o kineskim raketama V-V.
Update teksta uradjen je 03. decembra, tako da su informacije koje mozete pronaci na njemu prilicno azurne.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102591

  • Boskovic
  • IT-Programmer
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 1086
  • Gde živiš: Zasad u Svedskoj

Za zainteresovane Smile Ovo je kao sto mnogi znaju avion Y-9 Transporter
Prva slika prikaziva kaki ce varijanti se praviti, druge slike prikazuju gradnju ovih transportera. izvinjavam se na losije rezolucije ovi slika ali se nadam da su okej da vidite Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

Evo interesantnih vesti o tome koliko su kinezi uznapredovali u avio industriji!

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

In December 2008, following the 13th meeting of Sino-Russian inter-governmental commission on military-technical cooperation we have finally managed to sign an agreement with China on the Protection of Intellectual Property in the PTS, but so far that the result - almost zero: the old "clones" have not disappeared - and at the recent exhibition of Airshow China, they again demonstrated with the label "Made in China", and to replace them already fit "clones of the new generation."

So, this year, that is, under the current agreement, China was hoisted into the air "clone" of the Russian shipborne Su-33 - the plane J-15, as the basis for the creation of which has been taken acquired from Kiev in 2005, one of the prototypes.And Beijing is a long time, "expressed interest" in buying the Su-33, Russia: first - two cars, then - 12-14, but Moscow has kept it no less than about fifty.And, as stated in November of this year, Deputy General Director of Rosoboronexport, Alexander Mikheyev, in the end, taking into account the Russian position, this topic has been withdrawn. " It is clear now - why.
Examples of a unique - not even count. This happened, for example, with the Russian engine AL-31F, after careful study and exploitation of which the Chinese engine experts was established analogue - WS-10 "Taihang", which was first demonstrated at the last show in Zhuhai in November 2008. This engine is designed for Chinese fighter J-10, J-11B and J-15, but so far the characteristics still inferior to its "grandparent".

Another example - the Chinese Bypass Turbofan engine WS-13 "Taishan" is already standing on one of the prototypes of the FC-1 and created a "widespread use" technical solutions implemented by Russian engineers in the RD-93 engines. However, while the Chinese "version" must be tested and, judging by the individual publications in the foreign press too concedes "grandparent" in terms of reliability and compliance with the specified weight requirements.Therefore, purchases of Russian engine continues - in late 2009 was awarded a new contract to supply additional 48 RD-93, designed for the latest Sino-Pakistani light fighter FC-1/JF-17.

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