Avionski motori


Avionski motori

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4145

Nebi to važilo pošto ga nije el. pogon doveo do supersonične brzine. Znači ideja bi bila da ga veči avion odvede do određene visine (da ne troši struju) ispusti, pa da on sam sa el. pogonom probije zvučni zid kao kod Bell X-1:

Sad to je samo jedna od varjanti, možda če da uzleti sam brez pomoči.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16091
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Napisano: 16 Jan 2012 4:01

archer ::Imaju rusi i RD-33N.On je kudikamo savremeniji i neuporedivo stedljiviji nego R-195Sh.

E za ovaj nisam znao.

Dopuna: 16 Jan 2012 4:13

aerodrom ::jazbar ::aerodrom ::Jedini pravi konkurent RR Adour-u 951 je Honeywell F124, koji ima priblizno isti potisak.

Pa nije baš isti potisak, jer može Adour sa reheat dodatkom postići snagu 37,5 kN. Snažniji motor izgleda imaju samo Rusi samo što je turbojet R-195 sa potiskom od 44,18 kN.

Pa ako ces model sa dodatnim sagorevanjem, pravi Honeywell i verziju F125, izvedenu iz F124.
Ona ima potisak 41.1 kN sa ukljucenim DS:

Evo našao sam na Wiki da će možda praviti Honeywell F124XX sa 48 kN potiska.

  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 818

acatomic u principu nije ni to izkljuceno da sam poleti/kao letece makete/,e sad dolazi matematika,fizika i racunanje.

  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 1462

archer ::Imaju rusi i RD-33N.On je kudikamo savremeniji i neuporedivo stedljiviji nego R-195Sh.

Може ли неки инфо о ово веруји РД33Н пошто први пут чуем за ову верзију,а знам да постоје

  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 818

acatomic treba se koncentrisati na to da taj el motor uz pomoc turbine odradi sve.to je moja logika sve ili nista!

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 1322
  • Gde živiš: u kanalizaciji sa Nindza Kornjacama


to ti je sad RD-33NB.Svoj zivot je poceo kao projekat RD-33BF pa onda RD-33N pa RD-33B i tako,tipicno ruski za jedan motor,sedam hiljada zvanicnih naziva.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24234

Napisano: 17 Feb 2012 19:11

Galerija slika ruskih motora na

Международный Салон Двигатели-2010 (International salon Engines-2010)

Arrow http://vitalykuzmin.net/?q=node/292

Najstarija ruska fabrika avio -motora u Omsku sa tradicijom postojanja od 1916g ( zanimljivo vrsi remont motora RD-33).

Arrow http://www.omsk.net.ru/arm/baranov.htm

Dopuna: 28 Feb 2012 20:36

Testiranje motora za indijski laki lovac LCA

Kaveri's Compressor Blades + The Indian Single Crystal Effort

Kaveri Turbine Components & Early Thermodynamic Testing

Citat:Kaveri Engine was integrated with IL-76 aircraft which is a well established Flying Test Bed (FTB) for engines at Gromov Flight Research Institute (GFRI), Russia. The Flight trials commenced on 3rd Nov 2010. Kaveri engine is one among the four engines on the Flying Test Bed platform.

Arrow http://livefist.blogspot.com/2011/05/kaveri-crosse.....stone.html

  • turim 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 2

dali neko ume da mi objasni kako se na mlaznom motoru pokrecu spoljni agregati- pumpe, generatori i ostalo sto je vezano na sam motor, znaci kako se obrtno kretanje kompresora i turbine prenosi na ove spoljne uredjaje

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4145

UA Engineering Professor Quiets Combustion with Patented ‘Noise Sponge’

This technology decreases the noise generated by combustion systems at the source by placing a sponge-like material directly in the flame. This patent is based on Agrawal’s work on jet engine combustion with Ultramet Corp., funded by the U.S. Navy.

The combustion process in several engines, especially those of jets, produces a deafening noise that can also be devastating to the engine. Because the noise level is so high, the sound waves produced can cause intense pulsations. These pulsations shake the engine and result in mechanical failure. The more the engine is exposed to these intense acoustic pulsations, the more likely it is to break down.

So far, noise reduction has been addressed after-the-fact, suppressing the noise outside the engine after the combustion process takes place. Agrawal’s technology eliminates the noise at the source, during the combustion process.

The challenge of cutting the sound level during the combustion process is that combustion happens at extremely high temperatures and pressure. Most material cannot withstand such conditions. However, Agrawal found a porous material that can tolerate the conditions of jet engine combustion.

This porous inert material, or foam, is a composite material made of hafnium carbide and silicon carbide. It can withstand intense levels of heat and pressure. The material is placed directly into the flame and acts like a sponge for the noise.

Due to its high permeability, the foam allows gases to easily flow so combustion is not interrupted, yet is much quieter. The foam surrounds the flame, cuts the noise and eliminates the potential for engine instability.

“Experimenting with combustion can be quite noisy and unstable, shaking the whole building, but when you put the foam in place, you can talk to the person next to you. It’s a night and day difference,” Agrawal said.

This technology reduces noise at its source, minimizing the need for bulky and expensive modifications to exhaust equipment. It also increases the uniformity of the combustion and allows for retrofitting of existing systems, which is highly cost efficient. This technology will be useful in gas turbines, burners, furnaces, power generators and other industrial devices using combustion.

The application of the technology extends beyond jet engines. Some chemical manufacturers place loud, high-capacity torches at ground level instead of safer heights to control noise. Factories that rely on combustion also face government regulations to protect employees from noise.


  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2009
  • Poruke: 363
  • Gde živiš: Nemacka

Posto ovaj avionski motor nisam do sada video, hteo da ga ovde predstavim i ujedno pitam dali bi bio upotrebljiv za neku modernizaciju G-4-ke?

Lotarev DV-2
General characteristics
Type: Two-spool low-bypass turbofan engine with a single-stage fan
Length: 1,72 m (67.7 in)
Width: 0.82 m (32.2 in)
Height: 1.04 m (40.9 in)
Fan diameter: 0.64 m (25.2 in)
Dry weight: 439 kg (967.8 lb)

Compressor: Two-stage LP, seven-stage HP
Combustors: Annular combustion system with 16 fuel injection nozzles
Turbine: single-stage HP, two-stage LP

Maximum thrust: 2,498 Kgf; 5,508 pounds-force (24.50 kN)
Overall pressure ratio: 15.5
Bypass ratio: 1.4
Turbine inlet temperature: 1,440°K
Specific fuel consumption: 0.593lb/hr/lbf (60 kg/kN/h)
Power-to-weight ratio:


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