MiG-29 Fulcrum


MiG-29 Fulcrum

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24371


Na ovoj slici se mehos pita Smile

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • nebkv 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Mar 2007
  • Poruke: 3111

ray ban11 ::^

Da ,u HRZ-PZO to stoji .Tako je, bio je B.B. u VOC kao opitni ,ne probni .Doduse danas je to izgleda sve isto i svodi na engl. oznaku `test-pilot` . Smile

Mislim da je kod nas jos uvek razlika izmedju probnog i opitnog pilota
Ne znam da li je direktno podela vezana za stepen odrzavanja ali opitni piloti su koliko sam primetio vrsili letove nakon opste opravke i modifikacija dok su probni zaduzeni za letove nakon odredjenih radova u samoj jedinici

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24371

nebkv ::

Mislim da je kod nas jos uvek razlika izmedju probnog i opitnog pilota
Ne znam da li je direktno podela vezana za stepen odrzavanja ali opitni piloti su koliko sam primetio vrsili letove nakon opste opravke i modifikacija dok su probni zaduzeni za letove nakon odredjenih radova u samoj jedinici

Moze biti ,valjda je nekad bilo da su opitni piloti bili u sastavu VOC a probni u sklopu avio-industrije i zavoda ?

Nesto u vezi sa periskopom ,e sad to je kao neki kviz ,pitalica , slicno tome ...

Imamo mahanje Smile

Ovo je scena ,autor konstatuje sledece :

As you can see on the following picture, not every Mig-29 has this thing:

Ocigledno nije uocio periskop kod bugarskog UB ...

What is the purpose of the “Mirror-Thing” over the Mig-29 Cockpit?

i onda sledi odgovor i slikovita pojasnjenja ,pa dobro, po skolski onako ...

Citat:The periscope replaces the rear view mirror on the two-seaters version because the instructor seat (aft) is not high enough, contrary to other training aircraft, to see the runway. The runway is projected on a second mirror inside the cockpit (that's why it's named a periscope and not a mirror):

Arrow https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/19446.....29-cockpit

  • Pridružio: 05 Mar 2006
  • Poruke: 659

ray ban11 ::^

Na ovoj slici se mehos pita Smile

levi motor tek treba da upali
pozdrav Djordje

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24371


Tako je ,momenat startovanja levog i spustanje tzv` Klin` u uvodniku vazduha .

Premijera na Farnu 1988 i poslusajmo sta tokom sletanja 29tke govori spiker,pominje fuziju senzora tj integrisanost SUV : radar,KOLS i NSC Od manevara u letnom programu treba naravno izdvojiti cuveno `zvono/kolokol` .

Debut of Russian MiG-29 - SBAC - Farnborough 4 September 1988

  • Sveto 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 1637

nebkv ::ray ban11 ::^

Da ,u HRZ-PZO to stoji .Tako je, bio je B.B. u VOC kao opitni ,ne probni .Doduse danas je to izgleda sve isto i svodi na engl. oznaku `test-pilot` . Smile

Mislim da je kod nas jos uvek razlika izmedju probnog i opitnog pilota
Ne znam da li je direktno podela vezana za stepen odrzavanja ali opitni piloti su koliko sam primetio vrsili letove nakon opste opravke i modifikacija dok su probni zaduzeni za letove nakon odredjenih radova u samoj jedinici

Sad bi vas Bilbija ubio na licu mjesta, a i ostali VOC-ovci Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2016
  • Poruke: 905

Ukrajinci krecu sa ispitivanjem nove domace modernizacije, nazvane MU2.
Akcenat je na dejstvu V-Z, tj. koriscenju vodjenih H-29T i KAB-500KR.
Ako ispitivanja prodju kako treba, krecu sa modernizacijom svojih MiG-29 tokom 2020-e godine.

  • Bili smo vojnici
  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
  • Poruke: 4983
  • Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska

Школовање пилота: Нова донација из Русије за Војску Србије
© Фото: Министарство одбране
11:52 23.02.2018Преузмите краћи линк 0 30
Министарство одбране Руске Федерације одобрило је донацију од два милиона евра која ће бити потрошена на школовање наших будућих пилота "мигова" 29, изјавио је данас у Москви министар одбране Александар Вулин.

Вулин је рекао да и на овај начин настављамо да унапређујемо борбену готовост наше Војске, али и појачавамо и побољшавамо односе између Србије и Руске Федерације.

Министар одбране Србије, на позив руског колеге Сергеја Шојгуа, борави у званичној посети Руској Федерацији поводом обележавања стогодишњице формирања Црвене армије и Дана бранилаца отаџбине.

Говорећи о сусретима са руководством Министарства одбране и Руске Федерације, Вулин је рекао да су историјске везе српског и руског народа дубоке и да су српски и руски народ увек били на истој страни света — тамо где је слобода, баш као што су и данас.

"Али, није само историја оно што нас повезује. Политика војне неутралности Србије се високо цени у Руској Федерацији и политика нашег председника и врховног команданта Војске Републике Србије Александра Вучића наилази на велико поштовање код свих органа Руске Федерације, од председника Владимира Путина до министра одбране Сергеја Шојгуа", нагласио је Вулин.

Једна од тема разговора била је наставак војно-техничке сарадње Србије и Русије.

"Са великим задовољством могу да кажем да нам је Министарство одбране Руске Федерације одобрило велику донацију у износу од два милиона евра која ће бити потрошена на школовање наших пилота, будућих пилота „мигова" 29. И на овај начин настављамо да унапређујемо борбену готовост наше Војске али и појачавамо и побољшавамо односе између Србије и Руске Федерације", казао је Вулин.

"Србија је војно неутрална земља, која неће да постане члан ни НАТО ни ОДКБ-а, али земља која има сопствени пут, која води рачуна о својим интересима и која води рачуна о својим пријатељствима", закључио је Вулин.

У оквиру обележавања стогодишњице формирања Црвене армије и Дана бранилаца отаџбине, делегација Министарства одбране на челу са министром Вулином, присуствоваће церемонији полагања венаца на гробу „Незнаног јунака" у Москви.


  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24371

Neki detalji u vezi irackih 29tki :

Po podacima sa irackog foruma 1985g sa SSSR je potpisan ugovor za kupovinu 32 ( navodi se MiG-29A /B i i 4 UB ).Medjutim dalje se navodi da je do avg 1990 tj embarga UN zbog invazije Kuvajta isporuceno 44 kom sto se slaze sa predhodnim podatkom da je Irak zapravo narucio 48 kom (planirali 3 lae sa po 16 aviona ) .

Zapadni izvori navode sledece ,u tabeli :

Arrow https://www.mycity-military.com/imgs2/2705_56230773_76wv.png

Znaci 37 aviona ukupno isporuceno .

Komentar preveden uz pomoc GT :
History of the Mig-29 aircraft in the Iraqi Air Force before 2003 ...
Iraq received 44 MiG-29, A, B and UB aircraft as follows:
A 33, B 7 and UB 4 training ....
Details: -
General 1985 was contracted with the Soviet Union to buy 32 A and 4 UB to arm two squadrons and was selected squadron 6 and squadron 39 in the bases of progress and Qadisia were using the MiG-21 and MiG-23 ... The plan was to be armed each squadron number 16 A and 2 In 1987, the squadron received 6 aircraft and became ready in 1988 and participated in the last days of the war with Iran. However, it encountered problems in the palace of the plane.
In 1988, the squadron received 39 aircraft and became ready in 1989 ...
Lessons learned for the squadron 6 When the aircraft used the last months of the Iran-Iraq war in the Palace of work range of the plane made the Air Force command at the time required the MIC to modify some aircraft to become fuel tankers started work but did not succeed until the plane crashed in 1989 in one of the experiments ...
So contracted Iraq with the Soviet Union on 7 aircraft B models for the transfer of fuel in addition to 1 A to compensate for the crashed where the aircraft arrived in 1990 before the siege ...
So the number received by Iraq was 44 and existed before the blockade 43 after the plane was thrown out of the total number ..
Union The Soviets made other planes because they were expected to fly Iraq has yet to make a formal request. This is why the Soviet Union made the aircraft quickly because of the collapse of the Soviet economy at the time, hoping that this huge deal would benefit him, but Iraq after his experience with the short term of the plane lost interest in them and turned his attention for the Su-27 , which was entered into service in the Soviet air Force in 1990 ... but the blockade to prevent the completion of this deal with all cases of aircraft to the manufacture of the Soviet Union was sold to Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sudan , and other service: -
during the desert storm war dropped 3 in the air (Of the squadron 39 and 2 heavy damage to the squadron 6) also destroyed 12 aircraft on the ground and suffered 8 serious damage, including 2 training - and during the evacuation of aircraft to Iran was evacuated 4 of them 1 training - by the end of the war remain 14 type A and 1 type UB ... In 1993 in training and crashed one in 1998 ... There are 11 combat A and one training type UB until 2003
More details: -
6 of the aircraft belonging to the squadron 6 (of which destroyed on the ground out of 12) destroyed by the US military when occupying the Nasiriyah base In 1991 and not in air strikes ... as the squadron 6 before the war 91 distributed its aircraft on the bases of Nasiriyah and Essaouira in addition to July / progress in Habbaniyah K Squadron 39 was the deployment of aircraft in addition to the Qadisiyah / Ein al - Assad in al - Baghdadi to the H3 / newborn and airport Talha
events: -
Astatat MiG-29A belonging to Squadron 39 shoot down a British Tornado aircraft in 91 and hit one of the Squadron 6 aircraft F-111 launcher B-52 Americas damaged
this simply abbreviated service of the MiG-29 in the Iraqi air force

a rough english translation for our international readers. history of the MiG29 in Iraqi service.

Iraq received 44 MiG29s in the following subvariants:
MiG29A - 33
MiG29B - 7
MiG28UB - 4

Iraq made a contract for the MiG29 with the USSR in 1985 for the purchase of 32 MiG29A and 4 MiG29UB to equip two squadrons (sq 6 and sq 39) based out of taqadum and qadisiya. These squadrons were previously equipped with MiG21 and MiG23. Each squadron would receive 16 MiG29A and 2 MiG29UB.

In 1987 the aircraft for the 6th squadron were received and the squadron became operational in 1988. It participated in the end of the Iran-Iraq war but faced difficulties due to its short range. In 1988 the 39th Squadron received its aircraft and was operational in 1989.

The short range of the aircraft meant that the air force asked the "military industrial commission" to modify some of the aircraft for "buddy" air to air refueling but the project was never completed and there was one aircraft which crashed in 1989 during testing.

As a result of the crash and failed experiment Iraq contracted with the Soviet Union for the purchase of 7x MiG29B versions for "buddy refueling" as well as 1 replacement aircraft for the MiG29A which crashed.
These 8 aircraft arrived just before the invasion of Kuwait.

So at the beginning of the gulf war Iraq had 43 aircraft out of the 44 delivered.

After the first batch the USSR began producing more aircraft for an expected Iraqi follow up order of 96 aircraft. That Iraqi order never materialized since the iraqis were unhappy with the range limitations of the aircraft and were seeking to purchase SU-27 instead in 1990. But due to the gulf war that never materialized. Afterwards the Russians sold the airframe built for Iraq to Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sudan and other

Operational History.
During the 1991 war Iraq lost:
3 in air to air combat from Squadron 39
2 were damaged in combat from the 6th squadron
12 were destroyed on the ground (6x related to the 6th squadron were destroyed by US ground forces in Ali AB in nassiriya when they occupied it at the end of the war)
6 single seats were damaged on the ground
2 dual seats were damaged on the ground

3 single seats were evacuated to Iran
1 dual seater was evacuated to Iran

At the end of the war Iraq had the following aircraft left:
14x MiG29A
1x MiG29UB

In 1993 one crashed in training
In 1998 one crashed

In 2003 there were
11x MiG29A
1x MiG29UB

Combat efforts:
A MIG29A from the 39th squadron shot down a tornado in 1991
A MiG29 from the 6th squadron damaged an F111 in 1991
A MiG29 from the 6th Squadron damaged a B52 in 1991

The official Iraqi Airforce Information on the MiG29 is as follows:

delivered: 37
sent abroad during 1980s: 0
Accidental losses: 0
Combat losses: 0
remaining in 1990: 37
destroyed in 1991: 17
damaged in 1991: 4
flew to iran in 1991: 4
survived after 1991: 12

Kao sto i na forumu konstatuju ,clan `hayder` navodi verzije A,B i UB ,nije zar 9-12A i 9-12B ? Na primeru irackih MiG-25PDSG vidimo da su oni zaista bili inventivni tih 80tih ,tu nema sta .Pogledajmo kako su samo modernizovali 25-ce,sta su radili od 23- ki pa i od onih Miraza F1C ,imali letece radare na Il-76TD sa fr. radarima Tompson itd ...

Za 29tke znamo da su neke 9-12B ( ili mozda bas 9-12A ) modifikovali jos tih 80tih da nose 4 R-27R1

Citat:It is 29040, one of the modified aircraft.Last known location of the 29040 and 29062 was Taqqadum/Tammuz AB.
Perhaps the display is somewhere on the airbase area.
MiG-29 modification: just take a look at where the APU-470 launchers for the R-27 are mounted - on the intermediatewing hardpoints (#3 and 4).
The launchers do not fit in that position by default (the mounting points of the launcher are spaced more widely).
Iraqi technicians made a indigenous adapter for the rear-mount to make it fit to the stations 3+4.
The stations 1+2 (innermost) are said to have been modified to take external fuel tanks.

Arrow http://iraqimilitary.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=79

Ako je tacno da su sve ovo odradili iracki tehnicari-inzenjeri naravno uz pomoc Sovjeta sa pratecom dokumentacijom ,Biltenima i ostalo ,svaka im cast .Cak su na unutrasnje nosace stavili tzv `mokre tacke` za kacenje PTB-1150.To je mogao samo 9-12A( mada nije iskljuceno i za 9-12B ) i to se radilo u Kubinci ili Zukovskom 80tih i 90tih i to na avionima koji su bili vlasnistvo OKB /MAPO MiG .

Ima jos nesto zanimljivo u vezi irackih ,vidim da ovde to nije pomenuto ,mada sam nalazio kod nekih ruskih izvora da je zapravo prvo borbeno angazovanje MiG-29 imalo upravo iracko RV u zavrsnim fazama iracko-iranskog rata .Naime Iracani su prvu isporuku aviona imali jula i avg 1987g ,pocetkom 88me su imali jednu popunjenu esk. ,6ta lae i kasnije 39ta lae u AB Al Takadum i AB Habanijah .Pominje se da su moguce upravo oni 19 jula 1988g oborili 2 iranska F-14A .

Arrow https://vk.com/wall-23956241_689499

Ono sto je interesantno da pojedini zapadni izvori navode obaranje bas 2 Tomketa tog 19 jula 88g ali ne navode tip lovca iz sastava VS-a Iraka ( neki pominju F-1EQ ) .Posto smo nedavno detaljisali borbene radijuse ,vidimo da su Iracani takodje uocili da 29tka ima omanji takticki radijus i jedno vreme bili usredsredjeni na mogucu nabavku Su-27 od SSSR .

  • Sveto 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 10 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 1637

Zaboravih da ubacim u ranijem postu...Jos jedna zanimljiva slicica iz istog filma.
Kakve veze ima slicica RB199 sa pricom o MiG-29 Smile ?

Bez obizira na sve zamjerke (a dio njih sam prethodnih dana i ja naveo prilicno,pa mozda i povrijedio necije emocije iako mi to nije bila namjera) film bar u dijelu koji govorio i JRV otvara neka pitanja i moze zaintrigirati gledaoce da istrazuju,provjeravaju ,saznaju novo...

Npr. prica kako sad stoji u dokumentarcu a tice se F-16 kao konkurenta MiG-29 je mnogo komplikovanija i ne pocinje 1990te a gledalac ce bas naopako zakljuciti..U stvari posjeta 1990te bar po onome sto se do sad moglo o njoj otkriti i nije imala F-16 u prvom planu...U poredjenju sa drugim temama F16 je tu dosao usput ,naravno ne moze niko zanemariti tu cinjenicu i taj let, ali sama posjeta je imala i vaznije teme...

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