MiG-29 Fulcrum


MiG-29 Fulcrum

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24370


Moja omaska ,sto jest ,jest ,na ovom sajtu sto sam ga naveo sam mislio da je oboren, zapravo je to gadjani i osteceni `Baf ` kako su ga zvali , pardoniram . Wink

Arrow http://aces.safarikovi.org/victories/victories-iraq-gulf.war.pdf

Citat:IRAF MiG-29 vs USAF F-111 and B-52G
An Iraqi MiG-29 struck an F-111 aircraft with an R60 missile, though the sturdy F-111 stayed airworthy. Several minutes later the same pilot fired a R27 missile at a B-52G on a bombing run, severely damaging it.

Naravno moramo se sloziti da Iracani jesu pokusali kao uostalom i Vijetnamci mnogo ranije da obore ovakvu jednu grdosiju sa ogromnim trupom , povelikim krilima i cak 8 motora , nije lako ali eto ovi su sa `Kecevima` i to uspevali ,no tom potom .

Evo jos jednog opisa dogadjaja od 17og januara 1991g kad je jedan amer. pilot mislio i kasnije izvestavao da je raketom AIM-7M pogodio i oborio iracku 29tku ,zapravo ono sto je on na nebu tada uocio ,ogromnu `fire-ball` jeste bila posledica detonacije b/g tj pogodka onog F/A-18C od strane MiG-25PDS raketom R-40RD.

Citat: USAF F-15C pilot Jon Kilk reported killing MiG-29 with AIM-7 but Iraqi documents never shown this incident ... Kelk reported an explosion in the horizon ... But since Speicher F/A-18 was infront of him and downed at almost the same time ... This probably what he saw .... In total US claims of 6 MiG-29 shut downed in war later revealed by the Iraqi Air Force archive after the war to be 3 and 1 damaged ... The other 1 being the above and the famous dogfight of Jan 19 in which the Iraqi pilot claimed he through his EFT to the desert floor after performing a split-s maneuver and the F-15C pilot thought he hit the ground and explode while he escaped the Radar using ground clutter .

Ostatak price ide na temu MiG-25 gde i pripada ...

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Nov 2008
  • Poruke: 244

Ray zanimljiva prica svakako. U vezi duela MiG-29 i F-14 Tom Kuper pripisuje te pobede Mirazima F.1.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24370


Da, znam za to ,no ruski izvori navode da je tog dana izvrsen prvi borbeni let Iracana na MiG-29 sa obaranjem 2 Tomketa .Inace od kuda Miraz F1 u toj prici ,avion koji je uglavoom koristen za jurisne i lov-bomb. zadatke ???

Sto se R-73E i NSC tice jos nista nisam nasao kod Iracana, hm, na kraju ce ispasti da to zaista nisu ni imali ?

Neverovatno ... Confused

Jos jedna prica u nizu uz dodatnu info da je 39ta lae ipak bazirala u AB Al Kadizijah kao maticna baza te jedinice irackog RV-a sa MiG-29 .

The downing of RAF Tornado GR.1 by Iraqi MiG-29A in DS 91

This is the first hand account of Capt. Jameel Sayhood - a MiG-29A - pilot Iraqi AF squadron 39 - who claims he shot down a Royal Air Force Tornado GR.1 during Desert Storm in 1991.

Jan 19th, 1991 Alwaleed AB
I was on standby alert with my wingman Capt. Alaa Abdul Jabbar that day in case the GCI ordered us for intercept. We were part of detachment from Alqadisiyah AB stationed at Alwaleed/H3 airbase (we moved there the day before, Jan 18th). Two days earlier on the first night of the war we lost two brave pilots from our squadron when two MiG-29s were downed by USAF F-15s over Talha airfield and we were eager for revenge despite the declining ability of the air force to counter the coalition aircraft as our bases, runways, EW radars and many other installations were either destroyed or damaged but thanks to the efforts of the repair crews who did every thing they could to get us airborne.

Already on Jan 19th the day started for my Squadron (39) when two MiG-29s headed for an intercept of US formation of AWACS and F-15s ( will be discussed in different post )... So I was anxious to hear news about them.

Around mid-day the air defense sector commander (whom he was also a MiG-21 and MiG-23 pilot) called the stand by unit and I answered the call. He told me the P-19 Radars near the city of Hīt had detected a 4-ship formation probably British Tornados are heading north from the Saudi borders and we asses their destination either Alwaleed/H3 base or Saad/H2 Base or Alqadisiya AB or even Tammuz AB.
The AD sector commander continued: Since we experienced what these planes do to Runways with their JP223 bombs so You should be in the aircraft in case Alwaleed AB is their Target.

I was ready in the aircraft at 12.20h waiting I already checked the systems and missiles. I was carrying 2 R27R semi-active radar guided missiles and 2 R-60MK heat seeking missiles. There was radio chatter in my coms all over the helmet. I was thinking about the upcoming task and also I about the other two MiG-29s already in the air to intercept the AWACS. Finally the order came at 12.26h. The Tornados were coming toward me, so I was given the permission to scramble immediately.

I switched the radio frequency to the AD sector and the GCI notified me that an enemy aircraft is to the right and directly below you!!! I turned my head to the right and noticed an airplane and since the sun was high in the sky I noticed its shadow on the desert floor (it was a RAF Tornado no doubt), I also saw the sun bright reflection over their helmets !!

I estimated the distance 500 miles no more (1,640 feet) and apparently they didn't noticed me... I maneuvered the aircraft to be behind and above them , I selected R-60MK heat seeking missile and a HUD symbology appeared (ER) which means target acquired with high beep in my ZS-5 helmet and I fired.... Within second they turned their heads toward me... it appear they noticed the flash of the missile or their RWR warned them . That was the first and last time they seen me. A huge explosion rocked the plane and soon it was engulfed in fire and crashed to the desert floor. No parachute seen since there was no time. They were flying at only 70 meters (230 feet). My wingman who was delayed in taking off. Now he took off and was behind me notified me that he saw at least one other aircraft dropping its bombs in the desert and flee (and frankly I don't know if he truly seen it or he was joking!)

Arrow http://www.f-16.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=27940

Na ovoj stranici foruma jedan clan postavi sledece pitanje :

Citat:That's strange - R-60 is infrared - how RWR could react on this???

Da li neko od kolega zna da li je ovo bilo zapravo moguce ? Smile

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 96683

Nastavak iz Poljske

Citat:Полеты на 22-й авиабазе ВВС Польши, Мальборк, февраль 2018 года

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24370

Jos jedna slika 9-12B na aerodromu Bagdad tokom prve medjunarodne izlozbe NVO 1989g

U vezi Iracana i njihovih borbenih iskustava a sad imamo materijal koji mozemo porediti sa ispovestima nasih pilota-lovaca u 2 dela emisije `Niko nije rekao necu`,dakle ovako .Meni je cudno da nema nikakvih info u vezi pripadnika 6te lae iz AB Al Takadum ,dalje Iracani su znaci imali 4 pogodjena aviona: 3 oborena ( 2 poginula i to prve noci agresije ) i jedan spaseni .Inace jos je 1991g i kasnije zapadna stampa pisala kako je oboreno prvo 9 pa onda 7 irackih MiG-29 .Onda su vremenom smanjli na 6 ,pa 5 i na kraju ispade samo 3 .
Samo 3 oborena a imali su prakticno skoro 3x vise 29tki od RV-PVO VJ .Doduse jesu bili u medjuremontnom resursu ,to stoji ali opet posve degradirani nedostatkom NSC i raketa R-73E.

Ovo za postojanje 9-12A u Irackim VS-a mi je veoma upitno s obzirom da znamo da 9-12A ima drugacije antene ( sifre-kodove ) sistema identifikacije `Svoj -tudj` od 9-12B.Zna se za koga je bio 9-12A .

Mada sve je moguce,kad se uzme u obzir sta su im radili ovi iz S.Koreje kod narudzbe 9-13,`sverc-komerc` Smile

Citat:В мае 1989 г последовал довольно неожиданный контракт на поставки МиГ-29 в КНДР. Несмотря на политику "чучхе" (помоги себе сам), эта страна стала единственным зарубежным получателем самолетов в варианте "9-13" (хотя часть в партии из 30 машин составили обычные "9-12"Б). Забавным моментом сделки было то, что с началом поставок МиГов Ким Ир Сену в Луховицах вдруг появились телевизоры, видеомагнитофоны и другие штучки южнокорейского производства, заметно оживившие скучные полки местных магазинов.

Takodje ta prica oko franc. sistema za aktivno ometanje `Remora` a koji se koristio na Mirazu F1EQ ,to je tek interesantno .Kad su to mogli Iracani da odrade zapravo i gde ,verovatno u svojim bazama .Za sve su to morali imati odredjenu tehnicku dokumentaciju aviona jer su onda morali sprovoditi instalacije za te podvesne kontejnere ,isto tako i ugraditi upravljacke pultove u kabinu .Iracki piloti su izjavljivali da su nosili samo 2x R-27R1 i 2x R-60MK ,tako da su ostala dva nosaca bila rezervisana bas za Remore kod nekih ,mada je moguce bio dovoljan i jedan kontejner .Cudno je da nisu podvesavali po 4x R-27R1 ako su vec mogli .

Za vreme okupacije Kuvajta 1990g , 29tke su iz svojih baza u okolini Bagdada prebazirali na jug zemlje .Ako je tacno sto mnogi ruski i iracki izvori navode da im je isporuceno 44 od narucenih 48 aviona a do prvog zalivskog rata imali 2 lae onda su u jednoj mogli imati 22 aviona .Po drugoj verziji im je isporuceno 37 aviona ( uglavom zapadni izvori ali i neki iracki forumi ) ,to bi onda znaclio da su u jednoj imali 18 ,u drugoj 19 aviona ,moguce ...

Citat:Всего Ирак приобрел в СССР свыше 40 самолетов этого типа, включая 6 спарок, хотя, судя по зарубежным публикациям, планировали закупить около 130 машин. Ими укомплектовали две эскадрильи, дислоцировавшиеся сначала на аэродромах около Багдада, а затем осенью 1990 года в ответ на американскую помощь Саудовской Аравии их перебазировали на юг страны.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24370

Iracki piloti-lovci jesu imali NSC `Schelj-3UM` ,evo nam pozdrav od pilota sa `thumb up` ,sa sve NSC i to na francuskoj kacigi onoj sto su nosili nasi na G-4 i J-22 ,hm u zadnjoj kabini UB ,sto bas i ne ide .
Na 1:04 ,pre toga kadrovi sa dvosedom ,u prednjoj kabini na 1:01 cini mi se da pilot nosi ZSh-5 sa NSC na njoj .

Znaci imali su NSC ,ona se mogla koristiti na 9-12B u rezimu SHLEM sa raketama R-60M/MK ,iz VTUP L-18.Ostaje da se vidi da li su imali i R-73E ...

Arrow https://www.mycity-military.com/slika.php?slika=13.....8%2096.jpg

Arrow https://www.mycity-military.com/slika.php?slika=13.....8%2097.jpg

MiG-29B ev. broj 29060 ,te kadrovi sa irackim 29ma

Sa teme o A-50 ,slike 9-12B kako prate letecu radarsku stanicu `Adnan-1` ( na hrbatu transportnog Il-76MD je franc. radar firme Tompson-CSF `Tigar-G` ) ,kao i 29tke on je bazirao u AB Al Takadum .

Iracki Adnan-1 u pratnji 29-ki

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 96683

Englezi kod ukra u poseti

Citat:28 февраля 2018, состоялся визит командующего Королевских Военно-воздушных Сил Великой Великобритании главного маршала авиации сэра Стефана Хилльера в бригаду тактической авиации воздушного командования «Центр», которая дислоцируется в Киевской области.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 30256

Zarobljene iracke rakete


  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24370


Odlicno Toni ,tu ostaje samo nejasno koja je ono raketa u kutiji do R-27R1 na prvoj slici ? Kao da je R-73/E? Ostalo je poznato ,R-60MK,na zemlji njen lanser APU-60-1,ima tu i Mevrika,Igla itd ...

Malo skupljenih slika unistenih i ostecenih na zemlji ,nakon prvog zal. rata 1991g ...

...te nakon drugog zal .rata 2003 g

Kako su ga samo zatrpali

E sad ima ovaj detalj u opustosenoj kabini ,pogledajmo sa leve strane jedan mali upravljacki pult iznad ove lepeze , ovo bi lako mogao biti pult za onu `Remoru` ,stanicu aktivnog ometanja ?

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24370

Prvog dana operacije `Pustinjska oluja` 17og jan. 1991g je bilo gusto ,Iracani sa MiG-25PDS obaraju jednog F/A-18C Hornet ali pri tom gube dva MiG-29B. Oba pilota Tarik Sajed i Emad Sajed iz 39te lae su poginuli .Bila je to vazd.borba 4vs2 ,4 amer. F-15C protiv `pare` MiG-29B .Samo za poredjenje u DVB je to odnos 16 raketa AIM-7M vs 4 R-27R1 ,u BVB 16 AIM-9M vs 8 R-60MK ( napomena : neki piloti su na zadatke isli sa svega 2 R-60MK ). Jednostavno se nije moglo ,posebno sto nisu svi 9-12B imali aktivne ometace `Remora` .

Izjava pilota Kasima Hamada od ranije ...

Citat:... but in case the F-15Cs were vectored toward us we had to break the engagement and return to base because 4vs2 is bad sitiuation for us .The first Idea was not a good idea because I know the capabilities of American BVR since witnessed what happened in the first night .

Evo kako je kratko opisana ta borba na jednom sajtu :

Citat:Around 1700 on the afternoon of 17 January, two MIG-29 Fulcrum fighters were detected flying south by a U.S. Air Force AWACS aircraft, presumably having taken off from Al Asad. Four F-15C Eagles were vectored for an intercept. The MIGs attempted to escape but then suddenly turned on their pursuers. Marine Corps Capt Charles J. Magill and Air Force Capt Rhory R. Draeger destroyed the two MIGs with AIM-7 missiles.

Dakle poleteli su iz AB Al Asad ( Kadizijah ) ,evo nekih detalja u vezi te baze :

Citat:Three basic types of aircraft protective structures were constructed at Al Asad.Al Asad Air Base became home to three IQAF fighter squadrons. At various times, Soviet-made modern MIG-25 Foxbat and MIG-29 Fulcrum fighters were based here.The so-called “Yugoslavs” were large aircraft bunkers designed by the Yugoslavians. They came in two variants: single bay drive-in and single bay drive-through. Attached to the Yugoslavs were annexes for personnel, munitions, equipment and tools. Each could hold four to six aircraft. These hardened aircraft structures were constructed of concrete several feet thick. As Air Force Intelligence Support Agency threat analyst Christopher M. Centner pointed out in a 1992 Airpower Journal article, “Iraq hadn’t built mere airfields; it had built fortifications. There were 12 “Yugoslav” shelters,These hardened aircraft shelters were constructed by Yugoslav contractors to Warsaw Pact construction standards.


The massive Al Asad Air Base was one of the most important air bases for Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Air Force. It had been skillfully constructed by Yugoslavian contractors using advanced techniques and employing lessons learned during the Iran-Iraq War. Its hardened aircraft shelters were some of the most resilient such structures in use by any air force at the time. Yet over the course of several days during the Desert Storm air campaign, Coalition air forces systematically demolished these structures and knocked Al Asad Air Base and its Iraqi Air Force units out of the war. As was the case throughout Iraq during Desert Storm, the technology of concrete and steel proved to be no match for the technology of precision-guided aerial munitions.

Arrow http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/20thcentury/articles/alasadairbase.aspx

Citat:The base was originally named Qadisiyah Airbase and was built sometime between 1981 and 1987 by a consortium of Yugoslavian companies under contract to the government of Iraq. Two Yugoslav government agencies led the project. The FDSP (Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement) acted as the project manager and Aeroengineering acted as the project engineer. Known as 'Project 202-B' and 'Project 1100', the companies involved in its construction included Granit, Vranica d.d. Sarajevo,I.L. Lavčević d.d. Split, and Unioninvest d.d. Sarajevo.

MiG-29B ev.broj 29060 , na medjunarodnoj vojnoj izlozbi 1989g u Bagdadu .

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