Su-15 Flagon (suhojevi presretači Su-7/9/11/15)


Su-15 Flagon (suhojevi presretači Su-7/9/11/15)

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 5918
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

Стварно личи, мада фотографија није најјаснија... али, колико знам, Су-15 се налазио само у наоружању ваздухопловних јединица совјетске ПВО... а и не бих очекивао такву ''окраску'' за морнарички ловац... Можда неки амблем јединице?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24371


Traba to proveriti jer znamo da je npr MiG-31 u jednoj jedinici koja pripada MA- VMF ( AB Jelizovo na Kamcatki ) ...

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 5918
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

Ово је за мене новост, па се извињавам ако је већ раније било помена о томе...Citat:...

Deadly dogfight over the Baltic

Little less than a year after the Flight 007 shoot down, another Su-15 chased an Airbus 310 airliner 30 miles into Swedish territory. The Soviet pilot even reported that he had locked air-to-air missiles on the “spy plane”—until he realized he had made a serious navigational error.

In fact, the airspace over the Baltic was a hotbed of activity for both Scandinavian and Soviet air arms. Swedish Viggen fighters frequently shadowed Soviet aircraft and even closed within a few meters to take pictures of the flight crew as they practiced mock attacks on American carriers.

The Soviets sometimes reciprocated with photos of their own... However, one of these routine encounters ended disastrously, as recounted by Swedish fighter pilot Göran Larsson in Flygrevyn magazine.

On July 7, 1985, Larsson flew his Sh-37 Viggen maritime reconnaissance fighter over the Baltic using his nose-mounted surveillance camera to photograph Soviet ships performing a naval exercise. While he recorded his images, two Su-15TM Flagons swooped toward him, one of them falling in close beside him as he proceeded with his mission.

Larsson snapped several photos of the shadowing aircraft, which flew under the call sign Yellow 36. Then he returned to base for refueling.

On his second sortie that day, the same two Flagons returned. One of the Soviet fighters crowded in close to his wingtip, making it difficult for Larsson to record his images. The Swedish pilot attempted a series of tight turns and twists to shake off the interceptor, but it doggedly remained within 50 meters of his Viggen’s wingtip.

Annoyed, Larsson finally executed an extremely tight half-roll at around 400 miles per hour while only 500 meters above the Baltic.

The agile Viggen fighter is famous for its canards—a second small pair of wings alongside the nose—which grant it superb maneuverability. The Su-15, by contrast, was clumsy at low-altitude. Larsson’s Viggen managed to pull out of the roll just 100 meters over the water.
The Su-15TM. Alan Wilson photo via Flickr

His pursuer attempted to copy his maneuver—and stalled, smashing into the sea and exploding in a ball of fire.

Realizing his mission had gone terribly wrong, Larsson belted for home. The Su-15’s wingman came barreling toward him as if seeking revenge. Skimming just 50 meters over the water, Larsson hit the afterburner and broke the sound barrier, not an easy speed to maintain at low altitude where the air density is high.

The Su-15 fell behind him and locked its missiles on Larsson’s fighter—but then abruptly peeled away for home as two additional Viggens soared into the suddenly tense Baltic airspace. For next several months, Soviet and Swedish pilots scrupulously maintained their distance from one another.

The deceased Sukhoi pilot was one Capt. S. Zhigulyov of the 54th Guards Fighter Regiment based in Vainode, Latvia. Soviet ships searched for the pilot for two days without success. The remains of his flight jacket washed ashore a decade later. He was one of the many “non-combat” casualties suffered by both sides of the Cold War in countless games of cat-and-mouse...

Има ли нешто из руских извора?

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24371


O tome nema ali ima ovo recimo :

Citat:20 апреля 1978 — пассажирский самолёт Боинг 707 (номер HL-7429, авиакомпания «Korean Air Lines», Южная Корея) с 97 пассажирами на борту, выполнявший рейс 902 по маршруту Париж — Анкоридж — Сеул, отклонился от своего маршрута на 2000 км и вторгся в воздушное пространство СССР в районе Мурманска. Будучи перехваченным советским Су-15ТМ (пилот — Босов), на сигналы не реагировал, и попытался уйти в сторону Финляндии (согласно советской версии, которая отвергалась командиром Боинга, Ким Чань Ки). Перехватчик выпустил по нарушителю две ракеты, одна из которых поразила цель. Боинг успешно совершил аварийную посадку на лёд замёрзшего озера Корпиярви возле посёлка Лоухи. Погибли 2 и были ранены 13 человек. См. Инцидент с южнокорейским Боингом (1978).

9 августа 1984 — в ходе преследования самолёта-нарушителя Эйрбас A310 советский перехватчик Су-15, по утверждению шведской стороны, углубился на 50 км в воздушное пространство Швеции. Также утверждалось, что, по данным радиоперехвата, Су-15 был готов открыть огонь по Эйрбасу. Советская сторона через два с половиной месяца опровергла шведские данные об этом инциденте.

18 июля 1981 — советский перехватчик Су-15ТМ (пилот — Валентин Куляпин) совершил таран транспортного самолёта CL-44 (номер LV-JTN, авиакомпания «Transportes Aereo Rioplatense», Аргентина), совершавшего тайный транспортный рейс по маршруту Тель-Авив — Тегеран и непреднамеренно вторгшегося в воздушное пространство СССР над Арменией. Все 4 члена экипажа CL-44 погибли, включая подданного Великобритании. Куляпин успешно катапультировался, за таран был награждён орденом Красного Знамени. См. статью Инцидент с аргентинским CL-44 (1981).

na stranici

Список инцидентов с участием иностранной авиации над СССР (1946—1991)

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 5918
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

.. са руске википедије, ако се не варам?... упознат сам са том листом...

Сад сам на неком ино-форуму пронашао енглески превод тог шведског текста датог у пдф:Citat:In the summer of 1985 a Soviet Su-15 crashed in international waters in the Baltic Sea off the Liepaja in Latvia. Now, twenty-five years after the tragic event, can Viggen pilot Göran Larsson tell you what really happened.

The cold war had moments when it got hotter. The incidents along the border between East and West were numerous. Not least in the Baltic Sea, the water that in Communist propaganda was called the sea of ​​peace. For the non-aligned Sweden, with its location in the middle between the blocks, it was required to be active; partly to guard their neutrality, and to gather information.

Sunday, July 7, 1985 the South Military Command sent an order to the reconnaissance division who was on stand-by, "Martin Red" at F13 in Norrköping.
Naval forces of the Warsaw Pact conducted an exercise in the eastern Baltic Sea and the division was assigned to keep an eye on them.

For the times it was a relatively routine mission. But the mission, numbered "Ftg 417" would be one of the more dramatic.
"Martin Red 03" was a SH 37, a SAAB 37 Viggen version specialized for maritime surveillance.
The aircraft took off from its home base in Norrköping with Captain Göran Larsson as the pilot. After about 35 minutes Larsson got contact with the target ships exercising just outside Soviet territorial waters.
- The Russians met me immediately. A pair of Su-15 Flagon F stood for the welcome. I concentrated on identifying vessels in the north end of the "cake", reconnaissance jargon for a group of ships. It was spread out with a couple kilometers separating the ships. It forced me to twist and turn a bit. One Russian kept next to me and the other held a bit awaiting away, says Larsson.
Meetings with foreign powers aircraft over the Baltic Sea was not unusual. But to have them in close in tow could be both stressful and disruptive when at the same time as you were supposed to conduct a reconnaissance mission where you had to focus on data collection and photography. Larsson conducted a number of maneuvers, but the Russian showed no tendency to want to leave his place at the Swede's wingtip.
Larsson got up hand camera and photographed his companion - a Flagon F with the individual label "Yellow 36".

The Warsaw Pact fleet exercise covered a large number of vessels scattered over a wide area. To document all of them at one same flight proved difficult, so Larsson decided to divide the work in two flights. He returned to home base to refuel.
Refueling went quickly and efficiently. Larsson's second reconnaissance flight started on the late afternoon. The aircraft was still "Martin Red 03", unarmed and equipped
with a surveillance camera of the type SKA 24 on a body mount.

- The second session was radio silent because I did not have any company. The other side listened to our radio traffic and could thereby know when we were coming. After Ark island I dropped to 150 meters. I had neither radio or radar turned on at the time. I crossed Gotland at the height of Slite and just outside the Swedish territorial waters I turned on a straight easterly course.
The route then followed Latvia and Lithuanian coasts to the south and southwest.
Larsson then recieved information from Command and Control about Russian interceptors having taken off from Vainode in Latvia.
Shortly before 18 o'clock Göran Larsson sent of a so-called radar blast against the naval base in Liepaja.
He then turned northwards to complete his documentation of the ships in the "cake".
Radio communication with the command central was impossible because the altitude was too low and the distance is large. Therefore, as a routine, Swedish fighters at high altitude near of Gotland were deployed. They acted as a relay station during missions like this.
It was from them Larsson got the warning: "interceptors from northeast, distance 50 kilometers." about three minutes later, the Soviet aircraft arrived.
The 54th fighter regiment used the same two Su-15s that had been courting Larsson earlier during the day, but now it was their roles were reversed.
- It was the second air craft in the pair who came close and joined me.
We turned around a lot, but then I needed space to work. I thought that he ought to give up and that there had been enough dancing, said Larsson.

To understand what now came unfold it might be time for a short introduction of the participants. Viggen was a potent and maneuverable military aircraft at the time. The Maritime surveillance version SH 37 was perfect for a mission like this. Adding to that the plane was in the hands of a very experienced and skilled pilot. Larsson knew where he had his machine and how he could take maximum advantage of its performance.
The Su-15 Flagon F was a twin engine "interceptor" primarily for designed to go up against high-flying bombers. The Flagon was by no means harmless in other environments, but its performance was optimized for something completely different then dogfighting at low altitude.
In contacts with the Su-15 over the Baltic Sea the Swedish Air Force observed that the Flagon F routinely were equipped with a full weapons load. This consisted of two radar missiles, two IR missiles and sometimes even capsules with automatic cannons under the body.
Larsson speaks about a lot of twisting and turning at low altitude, loops and other maneuvers. Russian kept with him all the time at a distance of about 50 meters. Finally, the Swede decided to get rid of his with his troublesome companion.
- I conducted a half-roll [] at a hight of about 500 meters. The speed was 550-700 km/h and G-load was high. As Larsson completed the maneuver leveling out at about 100 meters, he saw in the rear-view mirrors how the Russian pilot, instead of realizing the limitations of his machine, followed the Swede in the half-roll. Unable to save his aircraft he continued towards the water.
- I saw him fly with a high nose, stalled. He hit the 200 meters behind me. I did not see any ejection.
The water splash was followed by an explosion and a huge fireball. Four live missiles probably enhanced the effect. The tragedy was a fact.
Larsson decided to abort the mission and that as quickly as possible to return to base. He turned to a northwesterly course and accelerated to full speed and combat controll of his location.
- When I headed towards the island of Gotland, I saw the second Su-15 at about five kilometers. He swung in behind mid. I lit the afterburner and increased the speed to Mach 1.1, about 1350 kilometers per hour.

- I tried to remain at an altitude of 50 meters, but it became more difficult the more the speed increased. Over Mach 1 the aircrаft was behaving anxiously due to the low altitude. When my radar detector indicated that Russian had missiles locked on me, I turned off the afterburner. I tried to turn and look back, but was unable to due of the high speed.
The fighter pair acting as relay station steered towards the southeast to meet their colleague and mark their presence. The Russian broke off pursuit after a minute and returned to the crash site.

It is not difficult to understand that Larsson was concerned about the consequences of his involvement in the incident.
Already during the return flight to home base he pondered over how he would word the report. It was important not to be too generous with details of how it all happened.
Routinely, he wrote a so-called IFL, "Observance of Foreign Air Vehicle".
Staff from the intelligence department interviewed him. Larsson was also called to the commander over the first air squadron in Gothenburg To explain the course of events.
Although some maneuvering were common when encountering foreign aircraftt, the official directives were that such should be avoided.
In order not to reveal the characteristics of the flight, a more "neutral" version of incident was given in the report and interviews.

The Radar Intelligence Services weekly report sates that the remaining Su-15 stayed for about 40 minutes in the accident area before it returned to Vainode. The Warsaw Pact air and naval units kept searching during the evening and the following two days.
During the following week the Soviet fighter regiments along the Baltic coast were sent up against several foreign flights, but at no time did they contact make contact. It seemed as if they deliberately remained at over 30 kilometers. The air base in Vainode did not resume regular flight operations until Friday, July 12.

Тема има мало постова, па сам на истој страници пронашао и ово:Citat:Реальные факты - в 1985г при выполнении в/боя в нейтральных водах пары Виггенов на пару Су-15ТМ погиб к-н Жигулев (вошел в воду). Шведы создали такую ситуацию - по докладу ведущего... В Сав-ке после полетов, бани с ужином зашел разговор об этом ... нашли участника события говорили долго... они искренне жалели о случившемся... да и Вигген лучше был Су-15, да и шведы летали не плохо и что мы их имели потом после получения Су-27... Из всех иностранных летчиков с которыми я общался шведов выделяю в лучшую сторону - простые. веселые, искренние-на нас похожи... потом я этого шведа прокатил на Су-27 он был в восторге от самолета и конечно от летчика. В 1995 году прибалты на берегу обнаружили остатки кожаной куртки с пистолетом... по номеру ПМа поняли что это Жигулев - до этого считался безвести пропавший...Аутор, нажалост, није дао извор...

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 5918
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

... пар уметничких...

... рад извесног ''господина Жапца'' из Јапана Mr. Green ...

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 5918
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

Citat:Soviet Interceptor, Su-15TM Flagon armed with R-98MT Anab Infrared homing missile on left wing, R-98MR Anab Semi-active radar homing missile on right wing and UPK-23-250 23mm gun pods on central pylons

  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2011
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Napisano: 22 Avg 2017 17:27

Dopuna: 22 Avg 2017 17:28

  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 854

Su-11 "Fishpot-C":

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