Poslao: 18 Feb 2013 18:16
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24208
In service : since July 2011
Operational: End of 2011: 4
Deliveries: July 2011: 2 x Su-30MK2 November 2011: 2 x Su-30MK2
Current contracts: 6 x Su-30MK2, 2010
Units: ? (Entebbe airport near Kampala)
Bort numbers : AF 011, AF 015, AF 023, AF 027 , AF 031 i ?
Da li imamo podatke o jedinici u kojoj sluze ovi ugandski ? Da li imamo sliku ovog cetrvtog uopste ? Sta je sa preostala 2 koja su trebala biti isporucena po ugovoru iz 2010g ?
AF 011 i 015 ( sliku 027 je postavio kolega zixo na 280 str.-ci )

Citat:The Ugandan Air Force Sukhoi Su-30MK2 Fighter, AF 011 When the Russian press announced in April 2010 that Uganda had bought the Su-30, the country denied it. But the presence of An-124s early July was predicting something already. When the first assembled Flanker did its engine runs on July 8, half Entebbe could hear it. On Mo 11, AF 015 made its first flight, followed by AF 011 on Tu 12. The 45-min flight was concluded with a spectacular demo. Some Ugandans are less impressed; they wonder if the money spent could not have been allotted to other goals. Entebbe - International (EBB / HUEN) Uganda, July 12, 2011 (Photo by Melting Tarmac /airliners.net)
Trojka u letu
Novost od prosle godine ,jos 6 komada ?
Nekako kao slucajno nadjoh fotku ovog 4-og ( jel bila sad stvarno i ne znam )
Nakon AF 011 ,015 i 027 imamo i AF 023

i 5-og AF 031/ predhodno postavio djox na 261 str./ (sada nam nedostaje slika 6 -og )
Zanimljivo vezano za vertikalce na MK - derivatima (kako ih razlikovati )
Citat:The MKI and MKK are two completely different designs.
The Su-30MKI is built at Irkutsk (IAPO) - where they were already building Su-27UB's - so they took a Su-27UB and added canards and TVC.
In order to increase the fin area they simple increased the chord of the rudder........
Citat:So the MKI/MKM/MKA fin is simply the taller Su-27UB fin with a bigger rudder.
The rival Su-30MKK is built at Komsomolsk-na-Amur (KnAAPO) - where they were building single-seat Su-27's and the Su-35 (T10M) 'Super Flanker'.
They designed the two-seat MKK from scratch (they had no Su-27UB's) - and in order to increase the fin area, they used the taller fin (with longer rudder) from the Su-35....
Citat:The MKK/MK2/MKV for China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Venezuela, Uganda has no canards, no TVC and the taller square-tipped fin.
The MKI/MKM/MKA for India, Malaysia & Algeria has canards, TVC and the shorter fin with extended-chord rudders.
The designation 'Su-30MK' is just a generic name - it is meaningless without the suffix.
Academy's MKK fin is way off - they have simply added a square fin tip to a stock Su-27UB fin - without even extending the rudder....
Poslao: 19 Feb 2013 06:47
- zixo

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23386
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Испоручено је свих 6 авиона.
Poslao: 20 Feb 2013 06:26
- zixo

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23386
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Да, него си у истом посту поставио питање а касније и поставио линк да су испоручени сви авиони. Па рекох да потврдим.
Poslao: 21 Feb 2013 06:26
- zixo

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23386
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Индонезија је потписала уговор за још 6 Су-30МК2. Има овде на теми.
Такође објављено је да неће више набављати авионе Су-30.