Poslao: 17 Okt 2011 22:16
- sasans23
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
- Poruke: 6265
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija
Производња новог Су-34, у сухојевој фабрици НАПО.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 17 Okt 2011 22:18
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24234
sasans23 ::Производња новог Су-34, у сухојевој фабрици НАПО.
Buduci `bort 10` crveni ?
Poslao: 18 Okt 2011 06:24
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23405
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Pa vec je, mislim djox, postavio slike 2 aviona bez broja, jedan u prajmeru. I to u letu.
Poslao: 18 Okt 2011 12:33
- Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 1548
Kristian_KG ::Znaci PAK FA je kljucan projekat i za tipove aviona kao sto su su-34 su-30 ili su-35...
Sve zavisi od T-50
Ne zavisi sve....ali kada PAKFA postane operativan videćemo "brzinski" prenos modernih sistema optronike+avionike iz njega u stariju braću, to je 100%, No sve je to u saglasju sa činjenicom da je upravo to jedno od polja(optronika+avionika-integracija)u operativnom zaostatku kod Rusa u poredjenju sa zapadom.Pa i sami Rusi indirektno to priznaju samim tim što kupcima svojih aviona nude verzije sa Francuskom i Izraelskom opremom.Pričam o sadašnjem trenutku a ne kako je nekada bilo, jer nekada su Rusi jedini imali SHLEM SIGHT .
Poslao: 26 Okt 2011 15:53
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24234
Veoma zanimljiva slika koj pokazuje koliko se samo zaokrecu tockovi glavnog ST prilikom uvlacenja ,nekako mi se cini kao da zbog tog ugla zaokretanja ne bi moga da ponese veca UBS recimo KAB-1500 ili one od 3000kg na prvim podkrilnim nosacima ,ipak mi se samo cini
Poslao: 02 Nov 2011 14:04
- Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 1548
Kratki opis "Baptisam of fire" ili vatrenog krštenja Su34 u 8-dnevnom ratu u gruziji
Ako je bilo brišite
Baptism of fire. As reported by the media of that time, the first Su-34 was used during the five-day war in South Ossetia, 8-14 August 2008 aircraft had been used to cover up the actions of strike aircraft, conducting electronic warfare systems of the Georgian air defense. The main objectives were the identification of electronic warfare systems and command and control arms of Georgian Armed Forces, and their electronic countermeasures, electronic countermeasures systems and their command and control and weapons, as well as resistance to technical reconnaissance
In particular, for the suppression of RES Su-34 obstacles set of military orders, which prevented SAM Georgia successfully carry out the detuning from the noise. According to the most dangerous RES SAM "Book" and C-125 Sukhoi Su-34 anti-radar missiles hit her. Container jamming group protection Su-34 has shown in the course of the fighting high efficiency.
During the combat use of the Su-34 destroyed a key Georgian radars 36D6-M in the village of Gori under Shavshvebi According to witnesses of the conflict, it was attended by two Su-34 (hull numbers № 01 and № 46). The first involved electronic warfare, put noise with built-in units and containers wing electronic warfare, and the second bstrelival airfields, air defense systems of Georgia, the radar with anti-radar missiles (ARM)
Poslao: 04 Nov 2011 01:34
- USSVoyager
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Mar 2009
- Poruke: 4962
- Gde živiš: Šid
zanimljiv ugao snimanja..
nazalost nemam info gde je fotkano