Dassault Rafale


Dassault Rafale

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

vlvl ::Evo ja cu da prokomentarisem,ako se ne ljutis.S leve strane nema MFD,a verovatno i sa druge strane jer se ne vidi,a koje ce kasnije imati i koji bi valjda i nesudjeni NA imao (tri valjda),a ostatak kokpita je bukvalno isti sto se mene tice,a verujem da i drugi tako misle i moram da te pohvalim za ovu i vise nego odlicnu sliku kokpita.
da te pitam jel onaj FMK (funk. model kabine) za NA (kada ga vec spominjete) jos uvek u VTI ili je negde premesten? Wink

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • BSD 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 3170
  • Gde živiš: Kraljevo

vlvl ::Evo ja cu da prokomentarisem,ako se ne ljutis.S leve strane nema MFD,a verovatno i sa druge strane jer se ne vidi,a koje ce kasnije imati i koji bi valjda i nesudjeni NA imao (tri valjda),a ostatak kokpita je bukvalno isti sto se mene tice,a verujem da i drugi tako misle i moram da te pohvalim za ovu i vise nego odlicnu sliku kokpita.

Hvala kolega, a analogni su instrumenti i sa desne strane (slika u knjizi ,,lovacki avioni juce danas sutra"). Upravo tako bukvalno je isto (osim MFD-a)ostalo stim sto NA ima daleko manje prekidaca na levom i desnom pultu u cemu se takodje vidi napredak. Znaci da je pracen razvoj Rafala do 1988. godine!

ray ban11 ::da te pitam jel onaj FMK (funk. model kabine) za NA (kada ga vec spominjete) jos uvek u VTI ili je negde premesten? Wink

Ja sam licno zakljucio da je premesten i to na osnovu snimaka kabine koje sam gledao i video da FMD definitivno nije vise u istoj prostoriji u kojoj je bio u VTI-u. Takodje sam zakljucio da se oni sada malo igruckaju i nesto pokusavaju da iskoriste od toga na jednoj BPL. Mozda gresim, a mislim da ne. Pronacicu snimak FMD-a Rafala koji sam skoro gledao pa cete videti da je sve gotovo isto. Imam utisak da su ga ovamo transportovali i dodali pojedine instrumente. Dugo sam se ja sa ovim zamlacivao(Rafal-NA)!

  • Nikola Vukota
  • Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.

Dassault Rafal :

  • vlvl 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 1048

Da je lep avion lep je i tu nema sta da se prica i naravno pohvala sa moje strane za odlicne slike.

Citat:Ja sam licno zakljucio da je premesten i to na osnovu snimaka kabine koje sam gledao i video da FMD definitivno nije vise u istoj prostoriji u kojoj je bio u VTI-u. Takodje sam zakljucio da se oni sada malo igruckaju i nesto pokusavaju da iskoriste od toga na jednoj BPL. Mozda gresim, a mislim da ne. Pronacicu snimak FMD-a Rafala koji sam skoro gledao pa cete videti da je sve gotovo isto. Imam utisak da su ga ovamo transportovali i dodali pojedine instrumente. Dugo sam se ja sa ovim zamlacivao(Rafal-NA)!

Prijatelju BSD.Pazi da se previse ne zamlatis oko ovoga jer nije dobro veruj mi na rec i hvala ti za odgovor gde se nalazi ili sta se navodno radi sa kokpitom za NA,mada ko bi ga znao da li je to istina.

  • BSD 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 3170
  • Gde živiš: Kraljevo

vlvl ::Da je lep avion lep je i tu nema sta da se prica i naravno pohvala sa moje strane za odlicne slike.

Citat:Ja sam licno zakljucio da je premesten i to na osnovu snimaka kabine koje sam gledao i video da FMD definitivno nije vise u istoj prostoriji u kojoj je bio u VTI-u. Takodje sam zakljucio da se oni sada malo igruckaju i nesto pokusavaju da iskoriste od toga na jednoj BPL. Mozda gresim, a mislim da ne. Pronacicu snimak FMD-a Rafala koji sam skoro gledao pa cete videti da je sve gotovo isto. Imam utisak da su ga ovamo transportovali i dodali pojedine instrumente. Dugo sam se ja sa ovim zamlacivao(Rafal-NA)!

Prijatelju BSD.Pazi da se previse ne zamlatis oko ovoga jer nije dobro veruj mi na rec i hvala ti za odgovor gde se nalazi ili sta se navodno radi sa kokpitom za NA,mada ko bi ga znao da li je to istina.

Kao ljubitelj vazduhoplovstva sam hteo da istrazim dokle su oni stigli u odnosu na Rafal, pa sam tako dosao do nekih podataka. Danas me to vise u opste ne interesuje osim da prokomentarisem i dam moja licna zapazanja. FMK je premesten i to je definitivno, a sluzi im za pokazivanje (kako su to oni nekada). Od toga vise nikakve koristi nema! Bilo je pokusaja da se iskoristi nesto ali nisu imali novca i to je to. Kao sto sam rekao pronacicu FMK Rafala pa cete da uporedite, a evo jednog prelepog snimka prototipa Rafala i to sve sa zvukom uvlacenja stajnog trapa kao kod naseg Orla Very Happy . Opitni piloti i kod nas nose narandzaste kombinezone pa eto cija je to skola!

  • Nikola Vukota
  • Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.

Savršenstvo aerodinamike - Dassault Rafal :

  • sebab 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 19 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 4232


jel imas onaj obecani text ili ne? leba ti skeniraj ga ili ga bar uslikaj i posalji.

  • vlvl 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 1048

Sudeci po ovim tekstovima iz brazilskih medija izgleda da je Rafal resena stvar.Evo i nekoliko slika sa brazilskim ministrom odbrane i nekolicine njihovih pilota koji se obucavaju na ovom avionu i svaka im cast i ako nije problem malo da se smanje slike.

After talking with French President Nicolas Sarkozy during the G20 meeting in Seoul last week, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Wednesday that he will meet the elected president Rousseff and the Minister of Defense Nelson Jobim, to finally hit the hammer on the purchase of fighter planes for the military.

The Rafale fighter jets built by French company Dassault compete with the American F/A-18 Super Hornet (Boeing) and the Swedish Gripen (Saab) with a billion dollar contract to buy 36 jets from Brazil.

Lula has demonstrated a preference for French planes, but as his government is at the end, he must take the decision together with Dilma.

"I think it's an important decision and also one of those decisions I can not take alone because and its is a long term thing and im a month and a half to finish my mandate. I talked with Sarkozy. I'll talk to Dilma and Jobim and with you and with the press, "he said in an interview at the Planalto Palace.

Top officials visit Cruzex exercice
Armee de l'Air , Nov 19

Thursday, November 18, 2010, General Patrick de Rousiers, Inspector General of the Army, and General Gilles Desclaux, commander of the Air Defence and Air Operations (CDAOA), went at Natal Air base in Brazil, under the VIP Day of the Cruzex V air exercise organized by the Brazilian air force from 8 to 19 November 2010. This day was devoted to the advent of high civilian and military authorities coming from participating countries.

This particular VIP Day was attended by Mr. Nelson Jobim, Minister of Defence of Brazil, as well as the chiefs of staffs (or their representatives) of the air forces of Brazil, Chile, the United States and Uruguay.
VIP Day also allowed authorities to meet the participants in the exercise. "Representatives of the French detachment with whom I spoke confirmed me that Cruzex was a unique opportunity to learn, share and pass experiences " said General de Rousiers. "I mention especially the lively exchanges between Mirage 2000's Brazilian and French detachments. Finally, the 5th edition of Cruzex also helped to demonstrate the vast capabilities of the Rafale, for which it was the first participation in this exercise in South America."

Jobim: Decision about the purchase of fighter jets will come before December 19

Ultimo Segundo , Nov 20

Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said the transfer of technology will be the main factor in the government's decision on the purchase of 36 fighters for the Air Force (FAB) and he added that France has "more credibility" in this regard. He said the choice between competitors from France, Sweden and the United States will be announced before Dec. 19.

The comments came in an event organized by the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-France in Rio, after jobim having talked with French Minister of Economy, Christine Lagarde, during a dinner at which the two sat side by side. She came to Brazil especially for the event, in which was delivered to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva the France-Brazil Personality 2010 Award.

"Transfer of technology is the main factor. We're not buying a plane, we are purchasing a technology package, a national capacity building and a technology transfer" he said.

Jobim nodded when asked if France had the advantage about technology transfer, but noted that items such as price will also be analyzed. The choice of the French Rafale model has been criticized because of higher price than the others competitor , the swedish Gripen and the US F18 Superhornet. "There are a number of issues that have to be analyzed. The president is the one who will decide, but in terms of capacity for technology transfer, France has much more credibility.
According to Jobim, Lula said he wants to have a meeting in the next weeks. The minister will make a presentation of the competitors and the decision will be taken by Lula in agreement with the president-elect Rousseff. According to the minister, the decision is political, but will have commercial consequences for the next government. "In fact the Brazilian year ends on December 19 when begin the hollow end of the year. So the policy decision has to be taken before the 19th."

Jobim reaffirms advantage of French fighters for FAB

By Rodrigo Viga Gaier

During an event that was attended by Minister of Economy of France and representatives of the French factory of Rafale, the Defense Minister Nelson Jobim, reiterated that the French aircraft are the best in terms of technology transfer in the bidding to renew its fleet of FAB.

France is a technological autonomy ... since the U.S. legislation creates a number of possibilities for the state to block a particular transfer of technology," Jobim told reporters late on Friday, recalling that in these cases the U.S. State itself pays an indemnity for breach of contract for technology transfer.
For France it is easier. The transfer of technology, France has much more credibility," Jobim said, noting, however, that other aspects like price and maintenance will also be analyzed in the choice of new combat aircraft of the Air Force (FAB).

...We're not buying fighter jets, but a technological package. This is the main factor. We're buying knowledge, without knowledge has no business," the minister told journalists at a dinner hosted by the Chamber of Commerce for France to honor Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as a person of the year. In 2009 the award was given to the Minister of Defence.
President Lula stressed in his speech that there is a great harmony between Brazil and France in various fields and maintained the continuity of the strategic partnership between the two countries

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12437
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

mr. Dassault Rafale

  • Nikola Vukota
  • Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.

Making Mr. Dassault Rafal ... etc:

Dopuna: 22 Nov 2010 17:11

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